Kindergarten class listening to a teacher reading from a book
Success Stories in Action: Security Solutions Case Studies

Case Studies

Stockton Unified School District Enhances Security

Stockton Unified School District Building

Provided Services

  • Identifying Departmental Safety Objectives and Goals
  • Staff Training and Professional Development
  • Empowering District Leaders with Resources to Address Individual School Needs
  • Personal Duress & Panic Alert Solutions


Stockton Unified School District required enhanced security, but lacked a coordinated strategy. ICU Technologies united stakeholders and departments to uncover air gaps and communication issues. Through collaboration, they developed a district-wide plan, including equipping staff with panic buttons for rapid emergency response.
ICU Technologies helped bring our departments together for a specific project, outlined key areas and key goals that we were trying to achieve, and had all our teams speaking to each other. What this process allowed was the communication piece from all of our departments, bridging systems and finding solutions, which ICU has done for us. They came in through the key objectives for each department, and found air gaps we would have never found with any other vendor, and they gave us the solution.

Client Challenge

Stockton Unified School District struggled with fragmented safety efforts and an inability to identify critical vulnerabilities. The district faced the urgent challenge of protecting students and staff without a clear, unified plan. By equipping staff with panic buttons and implementing a comprehensive communication strategy, ICU Technologies helped the district overcome these obstacles and create a safer learning environment.

ICU Solution

ICU Technologies addressed Stockton Unified School District's security concerns by implementing a district-wide plan and equipping staff with panic buttons. This comprehensive solution relied on the involvement of stakeholders from many departments to enhance the district’s emergency response.