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The Future of Security: Exploring Cutting-Edge Security Technology News

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Advances in Weapons Detection Technology

Advances in Weapons Detection Technology
  • Published on: 
  • Weapons Detection

The recent spike in active shooter events on K-12 campuses and in other public places across the US is a sobering reminder that we, as a community, need to do more to reduce the threat of gun violence, aggression, and bullying.

It is our mission at ICU Technologies to help school districts identify issues before they happen and reduce campus violence. To do so, we work closely with schools just like yours to implement processes and the most advanced technology solutions currently available in the market.

Now, more than ever, schools and communities need weapons detection systems. Concealed weapons detections solutions solve many problems that older technologies fail to address.

Legacy technologies, like metal detectors, are obsolete for many reasons:

  • The cost to staff old technologies is inordinately high
  • The technology itself is expensive (while simultaneously not being as effective as other options)
  • They are disruptive to daily school life, from checking bags to slowing the speed of getting onto campus and into class

Comparatively, today’s modern weapons detection systems offer answers to each of these issues, while solving critical needs that legacy tools have never resolved. First, modern concealed weapons detection systems are a “staff-less solution,” which means you don’t need to hire extra personnel to manage it.

Weapons Detection System at airport

Leading–edge weapons detections solutions are also practically invisible. They take on the appearance of other commonly seen objects in front of buildings, such as trash receptacles and planter boxes, and blend into the landscape. They no longer need to look like a security check point nor require visitors funnel through a narrow entry.

Students walking to class

Along those lines, these systems also no longer create congestion at points of entry. They can screen thousands of people per hour. This enables a steadier, more natural flow of entrance and creates a a more welcoming, productive learning environment. These systems are also far less costly and, overall, far more accurate than old technologies.

Lastly, weapons detection systems are easy to install.

Weapons detections systems by themselves cannot solve the issue of gun violence alone, however. While there are plenty of technology categories to consider, one we feel is very important to address today creates your own “force” of public security observers, and that is anonymous tip reporting.

Read more about ICU’s Weapons Detection Solutions.
