ICU Blog and News
Advances in Weapons Detection Technology

The recent spike in active shooter events on K-12 campuses and in other public places across the US is a sobering reminder that we, as a community, need to do more to reduce the threat of gun violence, aggression, and bullying.
It is our mission at ICU Technologies to help school districts identify issues before they happen and reduce campus violence. To do so, we work closely with schools just like yours to implement processes and the most advanced technology solutions currently available in the market.
Now, more than ever, schools and communities need modern weapons detection systems that use advanced sensor technology and artificial intelligence to pinpoint and distinguish a variety of potential threats.
Weapons detection systems with directed search are designed to enhance security, create situational awareness by alerting on potential threats, and support threat response by pinpointing the exact location on the body where weapons are detected. This precision accuracy makes it possible to screen thousands of students each hour, which minimizes congestion at ingress points and ensures every student gets screened in a safe, unbiased and equitable way. Directed search technology protects daily attendance rates and helps to ensure schools feel safe and welcoming to all.
Leading–edge weapons detection solutions from companies like Evolv use modern sensor technology and artificial intelligence to pinpoint a wide variety of potential threats from everyday items, like smartphones and keychains. Evolv’s system collects important information about your unique environment that you can leverage to make informed decisions on staffing, configuration, and security settings. Security leadership can see real-time reporting showing flow rates, alarm rates, and are even able to “ask” the collected data questions such as “how will staffing be impacted if we change the sensitivity setting of the system?”.

Along those lines, the Evolv Express system also no longer halts traffic flow at ingress points. With proper planning, thousands of people can be screened each hour. This leads to an efficient entry experience and lends itself to a welcoming, productive learning environment.
Lastly, Evolv’s AI-based weapons detection systems are designed for mobility and easy deployment, taking the guesswork out of setup. Because they don’t need to be bolted down, directed search systems can be moved across campus to efficiently screen visitors at special events, like sports games or musical performances. Deployment options include single or dual-lane configurations, and a narrow footprint for areas with space constraints.
Weapons detections systems by themselves cannot solve the issue of gun violence alone, however. While there are plenty of technology categories to consider, one we feel is very important to address today creates your own “force” of public security observers, and that is anonymous tip reporting.
Read more about ICU’s Weapons Detection Solutions.